Protected: Hear God’s Voice Instructor Manual (M1) – Download
Hear God’s Voice Instructor Manual (Formerly known as the Ministering Spiritual Gifts Teacher’s Manual Module 1) for class instruction and accompaniment with the Hear God’s Voice Student Workbook and Hear God’s Voice Textbook.
PDF Download
Note: This is a restricted product for MSG/HGV instructors ONLY! All purchases are subject to verification and approval.
Protected: Hear God’s Voice Instructor Manual (M1) – Update Download
Hear God’s Voice Instructor Manual Update (Formerly known as the Ministering Spiritual Gifts Teacher’s Manual Module 1) for class instruction and accompaniment with the Hear God’s Voice Student Workbook and Hear God’s Voice Textbook.
PDF Download/Update
Note: This is a restricted product! This update is for those who already own a Ministering Spiritual Gifts (MSG) or Hear God’s Voice (HGV) Teacher’s Manual and want the latest update. All purchases are subject to verification and approval.
Prophets & Personal Prophecy Teachers Manual
As a companion teaching aid to Dr. Hamon’s first prophetic book, Prophets and Personal Prophecy Vol. 1, its purpose is to help bring clear understanding and scriptural perspective to personal prophecy and the ministry of the prophet.
Prophets Pitfalls Teachers Manual
Dr. Hamon uses biblical characters to disclose the subtle satanic pitfalls which can cause leadership and saints to fall.