2019 Watchman Leadership Summit MP3 Audio Set (USB)
2019 Watchman Leadership Summit MP3 Audio Set (on USB Flash Drive)
Dr. Bill Hamon
Jane Hamon
Chuck Pierce
Tim Sheets
Will Ford
Matt Lockett
$49.95 -
A Christian Response to Crisis
The Chinese have a symbol for crisis, which means both danger and opportunity. People in crisis, whether self-inflicted or externally caused, provides for the person and those they touch just such an opportunity. In this very practical book by Dr. Stan DeKoven, a counselor for over 30 years, the essential steps to help someone process through to a healthy resolution of crisis are presented.
$10.00 -
A Popular Survey of the Old Testament
Here is a solid, evangelical, and uniquely Christ-centered survey. Two introductory chapters -Christ: The Key to the Inspiration and Canonization of the Bible -Christ: The Key to the Interpretation of the Bible Lay the groundwork for the study, which is continued in four sections -The Books of the Law: The Foundation for Christ -The Books of History: The Preparation for Christ -The Books of Poetry: The Aspiration for Christ -The Books of Prophecy: The Expectation of Christ.
$24.99 -
A Reason For Joy
Thomas Paul Thigpen’s A Reason for Joy runs countercultural to the world in which we live and offers insight into the biblical truth of how to find true joy.
$9.99 -
Amargura, descubre, desarraiga, sana.. vive felÃz!
¿Puedo tener amagura sin darme cuenta?
¿Qué sucede si tengo una raÃz de amargura?
En este libro te enseñare como sacarla y como combiar tu lamento en gozo, vendrán nuevas oportunidades en tu vida y disfrutaras de una felicidad plena.$9.99 -
Charismas son los pensamientos de un hombre que no solo sabe lo que escribe sino que vive una vida sobrenatural, Dios lo ha llevado a minstrar a su pueblo, el anhelo de su corazón es que cada creyente sea activado y salga del letargo donde la tradición y el conformismo lo han tenido cautivo bajo un yugo de cristianismo nominal, desperdiciando y desvalorando las riquezas innumberables que el Padre tiene para cada uno de sus hijos.
$9.99 -
Charismata: los dones del EspÃritu Santo
El autor nos despliega de una manera magistral el uso de los dones que el EspÃritu Santos nos imparte, su operación, resultados que esperamos, su activación y desarrollo en el Cuerpo de Cristo.
$9.99 -
Charismata: Los dones Del Hijo
El Padre entrego al Hijo todas las riquezas de su gloria como herencia para preparar a su Iglesia con el podar y la unción de su EspÃritu Santo, dando hombres idóneos para llevarlos a la plenitud y la manifestación de los santos en esta dispensación.
$9.99 -
Charismata: Los dones Del Padre
Básicamente, Charisma significa don. Se usa respecto de lo que podrÃamos llamar dones de gracia. El apóstol Pablo anhelaba visitor Roma a fin de impartir a los romanos algún Charisma (Romans 1.11). Los corintios no carecÃan de ningun Charisma (1Corintios 1.7). Pablo alienta que procuren el Charismata más excelente (1Corintios 12.31).
$9.99 -
Cry for Love
The writing of this book was prompted by God’s love for all those imprisoned in hopelessness.
Kay’s live story is a personification of God’s grace and longsuffering in winning us to Himself. Â The tragedy of human suffering, loneliness and despair are exemplified in Kay’s life.
$8.99 -
El Oficio del Apóstol
El oficio del apóstol reconocido como un don de servicio al cuerpo de Cristo y un embajador del Señor, operando el poder de Dios de una manera sobrenatural que produce un gran avance del reino de acuerdo al propósito eterno y la comisión que le ha sido entregado.
$15.00 -
God’s World War III
This book reveals the Why, Where, When & How to do Spiritual Corporate Warfare for destroying works of the devil and advancing the Kingdom of God.
$15.00 -
God’s World War III & Warfare Music Sampler
This book reveals the Why, Where, When & How to do Spiritual Corporate Warfare for destroying works of the devil and advancing the Kingdom of God.
Combo includes: God’s World War III book and Christian International Warfare Sampler CD
$20.00 -
Grace & Truth: The Twin Towers of a Father’s Heart
In this book, Grace and Truth: The Twin Tower’s of a Father’s Heart, I am attempting, for the readers benefit and my own, to find a true balance between these teachings, seeing that John the apostle used these two words to describe the very essence of who Jesus was and is, which essentially presents who the Father is. So, I hope the reader will journey with me, as we explore these two twin towers of the Word, Grace and Truth.
$10.00 -
H.O.N.O.R – The Pathway to Community Impact
God is in the business of not just transforming lives but also entire communities by the power of the gospel of His Kingdom.
$12.99 -
Having Faith to Live by Faith
How much faith do you have in God? Do you trust Him to tackle your biggest problems, meet your direst needs, or fulfill your most outrageous dreams? You can have that kind of faith!