¿Como Pueden Estas Cosas Ser?
¿Como puede un pastor de una mega iglesia minstrar a miles y al mismo tiempo estar cometiendo pecados mayores?
¿Como pueden los ministros predicar, profetizar y sanar a los enfermos, y aun asi estar activamente implicados en el pecado?
70 Razones para Hablar en Lenguas
¿Hablar en lenguas?
600 millones de cristianos han recibido el don del EspÃritu Santo su propio idioma espÃritu. Casi el 95% de alcohol bautizados cristianos entienden o bien utiliza menos del 10% de los propósitos y beneficios de hablar en tongues.Learn cómo utilizar su idioma espÃritu para activar más fe y aumentar el amor y el poder de Dios en su vida y ministerio
70 Reasons for Speaking In Tongues
Speak in Tongues?
600 million Christians have received the Holy Spirit gift of their own spirit language. Almost 95% of Spirit baptized Christians understand or use less than 10% of the purposes and benefits of speaking in tongues. Learn how to use your spirit language to activate more faith and increase God’s love and power within your life and ministry.
Apostles Prophets & The Coming Moves of God – Chinese
Author of the “Prophets” series – Dr. Bill Hamon – brings the same anointed instructions in this new series on Apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how Apostles and Prophets work together. Find out God’s end- time plans for His Church!
Apostles Prophets & The Coming Moves of God – Indonesian
Author of the “Prophets” series – Dr. Bill Hamon – brings the same anointed instructions in this new series on Apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how Apostles and Prophets work together. Find out God’s end- time plans for His Church!
Apostles Prophets & The Coming Moves of God – Korean
Author of the “Prophets” series – Dr. Bill Hamon – brings the same anointed instructions in this new series on Apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how Apostles and Prophets work together. Find out God’s end- time plans for His Church!
Apostles Prophets & The Coming Moves of God – Portuguese
Author of the “Prophets” series – Dr. Bill Hamon – brings the same anointed instructions in this new series on Apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how Apostles and Prophets work together. Find out God’s end- time plans for His Church!
Apostles Prophets & The Coming Moves of God
Author of the “Prophets” series, Dr, Bill Hamon brings the same anointed instructions in this new series on apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how apostles and prophets work together. Find out God’s end- time plans for the Church!
Birthing God’s Purpose
This book will help you find your part and position yourself to birth God’s purposes!
Cumpliendo Su ProfecÃa Personal
Este “mini-libro” es una tremenda herramienta de introducción para entender la profecÃa personal y cómo relacionarse adecuadamente a ella.
El DÃa De Los Santos
¿Cómo será el Movimiento de los Santos del siglo XXI?
¿Qué lugar ocupará la iglesia en la restauración de todas las cosas?
¿Dónde será más efectivo el accionar de cada creyente? -
Fulfilling Your Personal Prophecy
This book shares vital prophetic principles for properly responding to God’s voice in personal prophecy.
Fulfilling Your Personal Prophecy – eBook
This book shares vital prophetic principles for properly responding to God’s voice in personal prophecy.
God’s Weapons of War: Arming the Church to Destroy the Kingdom of Darkness
For years, we have learned principles of individual spiritual warfare. Yet as the end times are upon us, the forces of darkness are intensifying their attacks around the world. For this next season, says renowned prophetic leader Dr. Bill Hamon, we as the church must up the ante and learn to fight on a higher level than we ever have, in corporate spiritual warfare.
God’s World War III
This book reveals the Why, Where, When & How to do Spiritual Corporate Warfare for destroying works of the devil and advancing the Kingdom of God.
$15.00 -
God’s World War III & Warfare Music Sampler
This book reveals the Why, Where, When & How to do Spiritual Corporate Warfare for destroying works of the devil and advancing the Kingdom of God.
Combo includes: God’s World War III book and Christian International Warfare Sampler CD
$20.00 -
Hear God’s Voice
Learning to hear God’s voice will equip you to fulfill destiny
Just as Jesus did nothing unless His Father told him, believers effectively impact their world when they follow God’s instructions. This book will teach you how to hear the voice of the Lord.
How Can These Things Be?
In How Can These Things Be, prophetic pioneer and apostolic leader Dr. Bill Hamon helps you live triumphantly in an age of compromise—as he exposes some of the most shocking and controversial issues in the church.
How Can These Things Be? eBook
Digital Version for Kindle, Nook, PDF and iBooks
In How Can These Things Be, prophetic pioneer and apostolic leader Dr. Bill Hamon helps you live triumphantly in an age of compromise—as he exposes some of the most shocking and controversial issues in the church.
Influence Your Mountain: Roads of Reformation Vol. 2 – E-book
Influence Your Mountain: Roads of Reformation Vol. 2 is a compilation of spiritual wisdom from various Christian leaders who have a passion to see our nation restored to its spiritual foundations.
Roads of Reformation Vol. 2 – e-book