2021 IGAP Mp3 (All Sessions)
2021 IGAP Conference Mp3 Download (All Sessions)
Dr. Bill Hamon
Tom & Jane Hamon
Dutch Sheets
Louis Dickens
Enos Chamberlain
7 Anointings For Kingdom Transformation
In the last 30 years, Christian International has discovered 7 Anointings powerfully used by the apostolic and prophetic movement to bring transformation in lives, churches, businesses and territories.
Contending For The Dream – CD Set
Don’t let anyone or anything steal your dream!!!
This powerful teaching will provide insights on:
- Conceiving the Dream
- Redeeming the Dream
- Living the Dream
- Sharing the Dream
It’s Time to Cross Over! – CD Set
Moving into the new God has called you to!
In Matthew 8 we find that Jesus commanded His Disciples to Cross Over!
He said if they were to follow Him, this was necessary. Then in the telling of
this story, He exposes the way the enemy works to put obstacles in our way so
that we would either be stalemated or retreat and miss the blessings of God waiting for those who follow Him in Crossing Over!
8 Cd Set
Keys for Overcoming-7 CD Set
Jesus gave a very clear message to His churches in Asia in the Book of Revelation
Keys To the Kingdom-6 CD Set
The Church must begin to take on a Kingdom mentality. Â The Church is the vehicle to advance the Kingdom of God into the earth.
Kingdom of Heaven-6 CD Set
God is releasing restoration into the church and the earth as He is establishing His Kingdom within us
Living the Lord’s Prayer – CD Set
This series takes the model the Lord gave us and looks at how it can lead us into a life
of peace and victory! Let the Lord lead you in your prayer life and your daily lifestyle
so that you can live a life that is free, fresh and flourishing for his kingdom purposes.
7 Cd Set
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit – 3 CD Set
- The Spirit of Truth
- The Paraklete
- The Empowerer
- The Spirit of Breakthrough
3 Cd Set
The Spirit of Excellence – 2 CD Set
It is very important that every child of God should walk in excellence.