Ministering Spiritual Gifts Advanced Student Workbook (M4)
Ministering Spiritual Gifts Advanced Student Workbook (Module 4) for class participation and accompaniment with the Ministering Spiritual Gifts Advanced Teacher’s Manual.
Ministering Spiritual Gifts By Faith Student Workbook (M3)
Ministering Spiritual Gifts By Faith Student Workbook (Module 3) for class participation and accompaniment with the Ministering Spiritual Gifts By Faith Teacher’s Manual.
Ministering Spiritual Gifts Student Workbook (M1)
Ministering Spiritual Gifts Student Workbook (Module 1) for class participation and accompaniment with the Ministering Spiritual Gifts Teacher’s Manual.
Ministering Spiritual Gifts Student Workbook (M1) – Download
Ministering Spiritual Gifts Student Workbook (Module 1) for class participation and accompaniment with the Ministering Spiritual Gifts Teacher’s Manual as a PDF download.
Profetas y Profecía Personal
Profetas y Profecía Personal, La Voz Profética de Dios Hoy, expone en forma amplia la restauración de la profecía personal en la Iglesia y es el único libro de su clase.
Prophetic Activation: How To’s For Manifesting – MP3
Prophetic Activations: How To’s For Manifesting – MP3 Download
$21.00 -
Prophetic Activation: How To’s For Manifesting Your Spiritual Gifts 3 CD Set
Truths that will help you activate your gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- Hear, understand and obey the voice of the Lord.
- Minister prophetically
- Know and fulfill your call and destiny
3 Cd Series
Prophetic Destiny & the Apostolic Reformation
God’s divine process in fulfilling the destiny of individuals and the church.
Prophetic Destiny & the Apostolic Reformation – Korean
God’s divine process in fulfilling the destiny of individuals and the church.
Prophetic Pitfalls CD Set
This exciting seven CD series is an in-depth look at the pitfalls that face today’s Christians. This series is a must for Christian leadership!
Prophetic Scriptures Yet to Be Fulfilled
This book is practical and relatable, historical and revelatory it could save the Church from veering from one ditch to the next.James W. GollFounder: Encounters Network, Prayer Storm, and Compassion Acts
Prophetic Scriptures Yet to Be Fulfilled – Korean
THIS PRODUCT IS IN KOREANThis book is practical and relatable, historical, revelatory, and it could save the Church from veering from one ditch to the next.James W. GollFounder: Encounters Network, Prayer Storm, and Compassion Acts
Prophets & Personal Prophecy – Dutch
Prophets and Personal Prophecy; God s Prophetic Voice Today, makes incredible strides towards restoring Personal Prophecy to the Church and is the only book of its kind.
Prophets & Personal Prophecy – Indonesian
Prophets and Personal Prophecy; God s Prophetic Voice Today, makes incredible strides towards restoring Personal Prophecy to the Church and is the only book of its kind.
Prophets & Personal Prophecy – Japanese
Prophets and Personal Prophecy; God s Prophetic Voice Today, makes incredible strides towards restoring Personal Prophecy to the Church and is the only book of its kind.
Prophets & Personal Prophecy – Korean
Prophets and Personal Prophecy; God s Prophetic Voice Today, makes incredible strides towards restoring Personal Prophecy to the Church and is the only book of its kind.
Prophets & Personal Prophecy – Latvian
Prophets and Personal Prophecy; God s Prophetic Voice Today, makes incredible strides towards restoring Personal Prophecy to the Church and is the only book of its kind.
Prophets & Personal Prophecy Student Workbook
This workbook is a companion to the teacher manual for by Dr. Hamon’s first prophetic book, Prophets and Personal Prophecy Vol. 1, its purpose is to help bring clear understanding and scriptural perspective to personal prophecy and the ministry of the prophet.
Prophets & the Prophetic Movement Teachers Manual
By utilizing this manual our prayer is that pastors and church leaders will be able to go through the many biblical proofs and historical principles that will validate and explain the present move of the Holy Spirit, which could be termed a restorational “Prophetic Movement.”